Navigating our Member Resources Section
We have consolidated all our password protected pages in one section called
MEMBER RESOURCES. In this section you will find: Newsletters, Member Announcements, Directory, Member Forms, and Administration. Username and password are available to members only and will be given to you when you join – or for current members, by e-mail whenever there are changes. If you are a member and have any questions about accessing our password protected area, please e-mail for help.
Upcoming Board Meetings
August 6 – 11:00 AM At the home of Leonor L.
September 3 – 11:00 AM At the home of Marianna F.
Note: Meetings may be changed to virtual via Zoom, if needed.
Contact info is in your Directory or current newsletter.
Although all members of Northwest Neighbors have been welcome
to attend as guests and observe board meetings as seating
availability permits, we are currently restricting the meetings to Board members only at times when community spread is high.
Please check with our President for availability before attending.
Thank you!
In case of emergency (ICE) at a NWN function, ICE contacts are available for most members in our Directory. Each chairperson should be sure to have a copy of the Directory at every function.
Remember, if a member is not cognizant enough to give you this information herself, your first call should probably be to 911.
Members! How to Form a New Interest Group or
Make a Change to an Existing One!
For those of you interested in forming a new Interest Group or making a change (name, meeting time, etc.) to an existing one, the wondering about how to do it is over! Everything you need to know (procedure and form to submit) is in our Member Resources section under the sub-heading, Member Information. Member Resources is listed on our Menu at the top and is password protected – you will need to sign in.
If you have any questions regarding accessing this info,
please contact your Website Chair, Mare W.
To All Northwest Neighbors Members:
It is important that you do not approach Balcones CC staff to request any change to your luncheon meal or to register complaints. The menu is set and you have one alternative choice that can be pre-ordered if you do not like or cannot eat the main entrée. On the day of the luncheon, no changes or substitutions can be made. If you have any problems with the meal, please tell our NWN luncheon chair or our president and they will speak with Balcones CC staff, if necessary.
Thank you for your cooperation!
When carpooling to a Northwest Neighbors event or interest group,
it is appropriate to offer your driver a nominal amount
to compensate for their gasoline.
If you are a regular member of an Interest Group that has a
monthly charge to play, it is club policy that you are responsible
for that charge if a sub cannot be found to fill your place.
In such instances, please make sure that your Chairperson
receives your payment as soon as possible.
(See detailed policy at bottom of page)
Magnetic Name Badges
Magnetic name badges are available for those of you who want to purchase one. These name badges can be worn not only at our
luncheons, but are great for identifying yourself at our many
interest group meetings as they can be taken home with you! These badges are very helpful for those of us who, at times, have trouble remembering names we know we should not have forgotten!
These badges attach with magnets and will not harm your most delicate clothing. If you have a pacemaker and shouldn’t wear anything magnetic, these badges can be ordered with a pin backing.
The cost is $10.00 per badge. Sales tax is included in the price. You may order by signing up on the order sheet at the luncheons or by e-mailing your request (name to be on badge, your address and phone number) to:
Important Message for all Members involved in
Interest Group Activities:
Members are reminded that all activities in Northwest Neighbors are governed by reservations, either formal or informal. All chairpersons and hostesses rely on an accurate attendee count to plan activities, purchase lunches, and organize car pools. It is especially important when Bridge, Canasta, and Bunco must have equal tables of four members to have a successful game. Please realize that your reservation is your commitment that you will participate in the selected event. If unable to attend the function, it is always your responsibility to cancel within a reasonable time or find a willing “sub” to attend and pay for the event in your place. When reservations are not cancelled and the chairperson is faced with a “no show,” it causes a hardship on all. This is also important at meetings of, for example, Craft Club or Supper Club or Culinary Arts or any group that depends on a certain attendance level and plans time, food, etc. accordingly.
The Board has made it a policy that any reservations where a payment is involved that are not properly cancelled within a “reasonable time frame” (or by reservation deadline, if there is one), will result in the member holding the reservation being responsible for payment, regardless of circumstance. Of course, the chairperson will always do her best to find a last minute replacement, and most of us, as a “sub,” are willing to pay for the lunch we consume or the activity in which we participate. This policy is in place to protect the chairpersons in instances where the cancelled reservation will personally cost her money to continue the activity, pay the luncheon costs, or properly pay out full prize money.
Thanks very much for your cooperation in this!